Wednesday 24 February 2010

Open letter

A letter to a friend who is angry with religion.

The first thing to say is that the Pope is a not a communicator for the masses he is a scholar, like yourself, but you do communicare well. He has the disadvantage of being GERMAN, is an ugly bugger with a face and look which perfectly matches the first part of his name I.E. RAT . He is not a RATionalist. He is a grey man put in place to bring the church back from the place which JP 2 had brought it with his gay( in the old sense) open and loving pontificate.....

All religions are based on the human aligning with the dogma.....and not the dogma making allowances for the human. But Jesus himself said to the pharasees that ( the law was made for man not man for the law....)

The Popes problem is that he, in relationship to homosexuality, believes that it is a learned response and that one is not born Gay...I do not of course accept this thesis.
When you understand this you understand his problem.... but given the number of gay clergy and paedophiles hiding within the church not just as we speak but for the whole history of the church it is difficult to accept his out and out negative attitude to gays and other 'NoN Normal' people. I have often said that there is too much religion in the world and not enough faith and Jesus himself said that THE MOST IMPORTANT COMMANDMENT WAS TO 'Love your neighbour as yourself' and also 'Judge not least ye be judged'. Yet these men of GOD who love not but who judge others whether they be long bearded imams, tonsured monks or bible thumping red necked bible belt millionaire American preachers in crystal cathedrals spit in the face of love each time they open their mouths.

'The love that dare not speak its name'
The pope was trying to say that without the part of divinity and the respect of the soul in each of us creation itself is in danger, through the selfish misuse of the resources in the world. This is true for me as I see the divine in all people even the evil ones who do their best to destroy. I had this discussion with a Muslim recently and he cannot see past the dogma....this always makes me sad, he does not understand that the dogma and the clergy of his religion would hang him because he is homosexual.

Interpret the laws of each religion and it is that which destroys kills mutilates and makes null the simple idea love so dear to the heart of the heavenly Father/Mother.
I do not accept the 'masculinity' of the sacred person. God is the one spoken of in the poems of love and passion, the beloved the beautiful and the open one, not the grey beard hard vengeful unloving bastard who sends us to hell for a whim.

It is 'religion' and not loving faith which causes division, war, hate and disrespect. How can a man feel these things towards another if he can see the divine in him. This is probably what the 'fool on parade' was trying to say or should have been saying....

Aethophobia... hatred of people who have no faith... is widespread within each religion, thank God the Benedictine's and Franciscans exist within the church, that the Sufism exist within Islam and that the Buddhists exist too.

Saint Benedict was poisoned by his followers, Saint Francis was put aside by the community he founded and the Sufi are persecuted within Islam. I feel often that people become saints despite their actions as opposed to because of them.

So you see for me the framework within I practice my religion is just that, it is a trellis up which my vine might grow, open and aired and not a solid closed box with no windows or opening on the outside. So many people have their eyes closed wide shut and are afraid to look God in the eyes and see the love that exists within the totality of life. They hear the noise and not the symphony.

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