Friday 9 February 2007


Naoka is one of life's wonderful people, she is Japanese, artistic, ( she plays the most awkward instrument )and above all a lover of humanity. Humanity in the form of Gernot, a french horn player in the Dusseldorf opera orchestra.

This Gernot is a strange lad, although German he was brought up in Dublin and he has never lost the Celtic boyish charm that plagues us Irish until old age and can make some of us insuportable.

The two of the above have started taking Irish dancing classes in Dusseldorf and from what I saw the Riverdance company might as well start looking for new jobs.

While out to dinner in a typical dusseldorf kneipe we had schweinehaxen mit kartofflen und saurkraut and a reasonable quantity of very local beer.

Out in 'God's sweet air' afterwards, I noticed a gentleman of the roads huddeling in the cold and wished him good night. His immediate reaction was to ask where I was from in near perfect English and when advises of my Hibernian connections he offered to sing his favorite irish song. The rendition aided by his guitar was spectacular and suggested that we should not judge the homeless/sans abri too quickly.

As he sang his soul shone bright on that dark and cold night.
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