Saturday 21 April 2007

Election Blues

The day is nearly upon us. The French nation is about to go to the polls and start the process of electing the new President of the Republic. I can't vote, as I'm Irish
and not about to give up my own nationality to take that of my lady wife. Our kids are for the moment of both nationalities but I believe that on their majority they will have to choose one or the other.

The prognostic is that one of the 12 candidates will be elected. Ha ha, I hear you say, but to tell you the truth each and every person I have spoken to has been incapable of giving an indication of the 'right' person to choose. Who ever it is is going to have his/her work cut out for him/her as the whole system here needs to looked at seriously. I am of course, 'extreme centre', I never discuss politics or religion either in a bar or on my blog. The reform of the institutions of the Republic and especially the crippling civil service is a must, the disasterous 35 hour week as it exists needs to be scuttled. The European central Banks strong Euro policy is distroying the fabric of the Union as much as the hiatous of the French and Dutch NO to the late silly and enormous European constitution.

Whoever gets in better be able for a fight because there are large numbers of people who want no change and that my friends would be the most disasterous thing for everyone.

After that little bit of self expression I better post a painting to soften the page.

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