Tuesday 3 April 2007

Family get-together

The four boys and the four girls who constitute our family, the DUHAN'S of 12 Wolfe Tone Street, are gathered here to celebrate the funeral of our mother. I say celebrate because it was an occasion of relativly gentle and careing communion. We were, where possible, seconded by our husbands, wives, boyfriends or girlfriends and especially our own children whose task in the future will be to do as we have done and put each of us to rest as the time comes. The children enjoyed each others company and while effected by our and their own loss helped us to relativise the situation and sense the continuity which is 'the family'. My mother was a raven beauty in her day and her physical traits were written in the eyes and faces of many of her children, grandchildren, and even great-grandchildren. Her legacy to our world is not without merit, she has left music, sculpture, writing and painting to say the least, but more importantly a careing tribe of individuals who survive in the chaos which we call modern living. The common link is the family, her family. God bless you Christina, and as we say in Ireland, may he keep you and our Dad John, in the palm of his hand until we meet again.

Just for the record; John, Barry, Eric with little Kay in front, Joan the eldest, Mick d'artist, Patty and Sue.
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